What is classified Balance Sheet ?
What is classified Balance Sheet ? The balance sheet is reviewed as one of the three major fundamental financial statements and is key to financial modeling and accounting. The balance sheet also …
What is classified Balance Sheet ? The balance sheet is reviewed as one of the three major fundamental financial statements and is key to financial modeling and accounting. The balance sheet also …
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE Ind AS 41, Agriculture is the standard that is first specifically covering the accounting and reporting requirements for the primary sector. Before this standard, there were no establishment …
OBJECTIVE Non-Current assets held for sale are presented separately from other assets in the Balance Sheet as their classification will change. The value will be principally recovered through a sale transaction …
Objective and Complete details Ind AS 40 Investment Property The objective of IND AS 40 standard is for prescribing the accounting treatment for property (land or buildings) which is held to …
OBJECTIVE The objective of this Standard is for authorizing the accounting treatment for intangible assets that aren’t dealt with specifically in another Standard. This Standard also requires an entity for recognizing …